Akwa Ibom State

Itu LGA Postal Code

Itu Postal Codes is 520108 to 520113. this Local Government Area is located in Akwa Ibom State, South South Geopolitical Zone of Nigeria. For more details on the list of ZIP codes or Postal codes in Itu LGA, find the code along with the Area and location.

Ayadehe Postal Code

LocationPostal/Zip code
Ikot Akpabio-Ayadehe520111
Ikot Onoi520111
Ikot Udo520111

East Itam Postal Code

LocationPostal/Zip code
Adang Itam520112
Ikot Ukono520112
Afaha I520112
Ikot Uso Akpan520112
Efi Itam520112
Mbak Atai Itam520112
Ekim Itam I520112
Mbak Obio Itam520112
Ekim Itam II520112
Mbiabong Afaha520112
Ekritam Akpan Obong520112
Mbiatok Itam520112
Ema Itam520112
Mkpeti Itam520112
Enen Atai Itam520112
Nkim Itam520112
Ibiaku Ikot Obong520112
Ntiat Itam520112
Ikot Akpan Itam520112
Obong Itam520112
Ikot Andem Itam520112
Odiok Afaha Itam520112
Ikot Annie520112
Okon Itam520112
Ikot Anse Itam520112
Uyo Itam520112
Ikot Ayan520112
Ikot Nya Itam520112
Ikot Ukap520112

Itu Town Postal Code

LocationPostal/Zip code
Umuagu (Agu O)462110
Umuezea (Ezea O)462110
Okoho Itu520108
Afia Isong520108
Akpa Ekpene Oton520108
Edem Inyang520108
Esin Ufot520108
Esuk Itu520108
Ikot Ukpo Itu520108
Obot Etim520108
Obot Itu520108
Odu Itu520108

Mbiabo Postal Code

LocationPostal/Zip code
Efik Ibuno520110
Eton Ani520110
Ikot Efah520110
Ikot Offiong520110
Ikot Out520110
Mbiabo Edere520110
Mkpana Uruk520110
Nya Anating520110
Ufok Offiong Ani520110

Oku Postal Code

LocationPostal/Zip code
Ikot Oku520103
Ikot Udoro520103
Nduetong Oku520103
Nung Edong Ediene520103
Nung Obio Enang Idoro520103
Nung Udoe Ediene520103
Nung Uyo Idoro520103
Ikot Ebido520103
Ikot Ntuen-Oku520103
Afaha Idoro520103
Afaha Oku520103
Iba Oku520103
Ikot Akpan Ediene520103
Ikot Akpan Oku520103
Ika Oku520109
Ikot Abiyak520109
Ikot Adakpan520109
Ikot Antuen520109
Ikot Eka Iko520109
Ikot Esia520109
Ikot Essien520109
Ikot Ntu Oku520109

West Itam Postal Code

LocationPostal/Zip code
Afaha Itam520113
Mbak Ikot Oku520113
Afaha Ube520113
Mbak Obio520113
Afaha Ude Oke520113
Mbribit Itam520113
Atai Ibiaku Itam520113
Ntak Inyang520113
Ekit-Itom Akpan Obong520113
Nung Ukot Itam520113
Ikot Abasi Itam520113
Nwut Usiong520113
Ikot Ayan Itam520113
Ikot Ebom Itam520113
Ikot Ekang520113
Ikot Ekwere Itam520113
Ikot Emien Itam520113
Ikot Etpuk520113
Ikot Mbonde Itam520113
Ikot Obio Atai I520113
Ikot Obio Enang520113
Ikot Obong Edong520113

Itu LGA Postal Code Map Search

Find the postal code or address for any location in Itu LGA, Akwa Ibom State with our interactive map of zip codes. Simply click on the desired location on the map.

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