Bauchi State

Jama’are LGA Postal Code

Jama’are Postal Codes is 751003 to 751110. This Local Government Area is located in Bauchi State, North East Geopolitical Zone of Nigeria. For more details on the list of ZIP codes or Postal codes in Jama’are LGA, find the code along with the district and location.

This list is grouped alphabetically for easy navigation and discovery of your area’s postal code around Jamar  municipal.

See below for all Jamar  Postal Codes.


Location Postcode
Arawa 751107
Bambasa 751107
Dallah 751107
Dogonjeji 751107
Gilar 751107
Gongo 751107
Kira-Yalwa 751107
Mabai 751107
Mar,anji 751107
Sabon-Kafi 751107


Location Postcode
Sharaba 751109
Baburti 751109
Baggawo 751109
Boddorgel 751109
Changanawa 751109
Galdimari 751109
Kagadama 751109
Kata-Kata 751109


Location Postcode
Bodinga 751108
Guda 751108
Hanafari 751108
Kamaku East 751108
Kirbiti 751108
Kwantamari 751108
Lariye 751108
Mafudi 751108
Memahefta 751108
Nafarga 751108


Location Postcode
Yangamai 751106
Yarimari 751106
Yola 751106
Mailemo 751106
Maimasheta 751106
Marmanji 751106
Pango 751106
Rarum 751106
Sabon Gari 751106
Sabon Kaffi 751106
Wamburum 751106
Yakashi 751106
Abutilori 751106
Gundumi 751106
Kesuwo 751106
Alayyi 751106
Hanafari 751106
Koyenti 751106
Arawa 751106
Jabori 751106
Kuduwo 751106
Baburti 751106
Jafunawa 751106
Kwandawa 751106
Baki 751106
Jahuno 751106
Kwankamari 751106
Bundiri 751106
Jama`are 751106
Lariye 751106
Burdugel 751106
Janburi 751106
Mabai 751106
Dagahsi 751106
Jogowel 751106
Dagelji 751106
Joroga 751106
Digiza 751106
Jurara 751106
Dogonjeji 751106
Kabegel 751106
Fetere 751106
Kafin Dila 751106
G-Babani 751106
Kamaku 751106
Ganuwaji 751106
Katirje 751106
Gerawa 751106
Katsinawa 751106
Gidan Jauro Sabo 751106
Kayarda 751106


Location Postcode
Abatalori 751110
Allah Yayi 751110
Fetere 751110
Garin Babani 751110
Jurara 751110
Kesowo 751110
Kuduwo 751110
Kwandawa 751110
Nagelji 751110
Rarum 751110
Tuid 751110

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